Dekofloor systems
Which system should you choose for your specific needs? Here you'll find the answer to that question, as well as information on what layers the different systems contain.
Choosing the right system
We have built ready-made kits and plaster systems for different substrates to include all the necessary plaster from the base to the surface, to make purchasing as easy as possible. You need to know which substrate you are installing Dekofloor on, choose the type and shade of plaster, we will provide the right layers of plaster in the right quantities for you.
Dekofloor decorative screed systems differ in terms of primers, as different uses and different substrates require different properties and it is therefore important to choose the right system for your substrate. The systems have the same topcoat plasters, which means that a seamless and uniform plaster surface can be applied throughout the space from the kitchen to the hallway and bathroom without changing the feel or appearance of the surface.
Over tiles
Dekofloor system to be installed over existing tiling. Note! Check the installation instructions for boundary conditions.
Dry area walls
Dekofloor system to be installed on dry room walls, over a levelled and primed surface.
Wet areas
Dekofloor system installed on top of waterproofing. In wet areas, the same system is used for walls and floors.
Dry room floors
Dekofloor system to be installed over concrete for dry areas (kitchens, hallways, living rooms, public areas...)
Structures of Dekofloor systems
Dekofloor Wetroom system
Dekofloor system over tile
Dekofloor dry room floor system
Dekofloor dry room wall system
(primed and leveled surface)
Dekofloor and drainage connections
When Dekofloor is installed on top of waterproofing, the well connection is always part of the Dekofloor system and the installation must use a dedicated well frame developed by us to ensure the durability and safety of the surface.
In the case of a traditional round well, you can choose between the classic rustic, matt black or Dekofloor coated round well cover. With a coated lid, the look of the well is minimalist and modern, with the beautiful grout surface broken only by a thin, round groove through which water can flow into the well. Our innovative inspirational deck eliminates the need for a line well in applications where a well is desired to be made gesture-free at a fraction of the cost of a line well.
Mikäli sinulla on linja- tai seinäkaivo, kysythän meiltä työohjeen kaivoliittymää varten! Kaivoliittymien tyypit, sekä koko vaihteleva maakohtaisesti. Meillä on kokemus ja osaaminen tehdä turvallinen kaivoliittymä mille tahansa kaivotyypille. Joten olethan meihin yhteydessä jos et löydä valmista ratkaisua kaivollesi.
When Dekoflroor is installed over a waterproofing membrane, Dekoproof 1K waterproofing should be used to ensure the performance of the surface and the validity of the performance guarantee. If in a bathroom part of the surfaces are to be tiled and part with Dekofloor, Dekoproof 1K waterproofing must be used on all surfaces to be waterproofed.
By using Dekoproof 1K waterproofing, the performance of the system can be guaranteed in terms of both durability and product compatibility.
Read more in the installation instruction.
Choice of shade and types of surface finishes
Once you've worked out the system you need, it's time to decide on the type and shade of finish you want. Click here to find out more about shades and finishes!
Where can I order Dekofloor?
You can order Dekofloor directly from us, the easiest way to order is through our online shop.
If you need help with your order or anything else, please feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to help.